Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cover Crops

Long and Scott Farms is a diversified grower, as well as shipper. Some of the crops we grow are to be sold at different markets around the United States. Other crops are grown to build our soil, and we also grow crops to be sold at Scotts Country Market . Our primary crops are pickling cucumbers , sweet corn, sod, and cabbage. The vegetables that are grown on a smaller scale for the market are cilantro, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, squash, onions, watermelon, sunflowers and okra.

Right now, as we finish with a pickle field, we plant a cover crop. Cover crops can be sorgumn sudan grass, millet, oats, rye and ryegrass. Cover crops are great for our soil. We rotate our crops to break up insect cycles and also so we don’t continue to pull the same nutrients out of the soil. These crops are grown just for the purpose of giving back to the soil . When they are worked into the soil, they are an excellent source of organic matter that builds the soil. They also are very helpful with disease control, weeds, erosion and soil compaction. If cover crops were not planted we would have to work the soil several times to control weeds ,so there is also savings on labor and fuel, as well as wear and tear on equipment.

I learned at a young age that dirt is not just dirt! It is a wonderful asset that helps to feed the world. Do you have any questions about cover crops or soil? Please send us your comments.

Cade Easley
Integrated pest manager

1 comment:

  1. You mentioned that you learned at a young age that dirt is not just dirt, and it's a wonderful asset that helps to feed the world... Just how much dirt are we suposed to eat? :-) Crud
